Sunday, January 10, 2010

My purpose here

And by here, I don't mean earth, but rather on this blog. The thought occurred to me, that so often I learn things while I'm studying that I want to share and don't know how, this will be a great way.

The topic of research and learning for the week of January 10-16, 2010 is The Reserrection.

I started researching this after having conversations with friends and family. There are many misconceptions regarding the resurrection and wanted to clear some things up.

Sunday's thought:

Alma 40:6 - time between death and resurrection, 21 - both soul and body, and be brought to stand before God, and be judged according to their works. 23 - "... all things shall be restored to their proper and perfect frame."

Hmmm, perfect frame? What does 'perfect frame' mean? So I looked and researched 'perfect frame' and found this! Alma 11:43, "...both limb and joint shall be restored to its proper frame, even as we now are at this time..." The whole verse is actually very good, speaking specifically regarding the resurrection when our spirit and body are reunited.

Many times my husband and I have discussed that so many people in our LDS faith believe that when you're resurrected, you're instantly perfect, and the scriptures do say that we are restored to our perfect frame. But even as we are now, our bodies are perfected, for Heavenly Father is perfect and we are made after him. I think, from reading and studying the above texts, that it is just that we will be reunited with our body in a bodious form. Now I realize bodious is not a word, but when our body has been on this earth without our spirit in it, we turn into dust and decomposition. So when our soul and body reunite, I believe it is in a body form, having been returned to that after the decomposition has taken place. I don't think we'll be altered, but restored to that same state to which we left our bodies. Our minds and spirits will be the same as that scripture says, Alma 11:43, that we will have 'a bright recollection of all our guilt'. So why would our body not be restored to its pervious state in the same way?

I was so intrigued by that verse, that I did not read on until just now! Holy Cow! In verse 44, it says that all shall be resurrected, and not only that, but again, repeating that everything shall be restored. I think that means that whatever you have in this life, you shall have when you go to stand before the Lord. It continues on and specifically says, "as it is now". Wow, well there's my answer. The verse continues on that we shall be that way when we are "brought and...arraigned before the bar of Christ the Son, and God the be judged." We are brought to stand and be judged in the same physical state in which we died.

Other scriptures to consider:
D&C 129:1-3 Angels are resurrected personages; spirits are not resurrected.
D&C 138
D&C 76

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